Thursday, November 08, 2018

Nope... I won't be publishing the 2018 GP paper any time soon...

Image from personal collection

Out of professional courtesy, I will not be publishing the 2018 papers any time soon. Many schools are liable to "embargo" this paper for use in 2019. If you're a parent, and would like to find out about the paper, do drop me an email and I'll see how I can best address your queries.


That said, this year's paper is a doozy. In P1, some of the topics were interesting, to say the least, and I'm over the moon with Q8 because many people have been telling me that this topic will never appear - I mean, there's nothing in the syllabus that dictates what will or will not be tested. As long as the pedagogy is sound, the lesson objectives are aligned and clear, there really isn't anything that we cannot discover and learn in a GP class.

I cringed a little when I saw P2 - my students know it's not my favourite topic 😅 - but having said that, the paper itself is definitely do-able as long as you take a deep breath and read the question properly. The phrasing of the AQ was a little sneaky, but hey, it IS English, and this IS a legit question to pose. Besides, this phrasing makes the overarching topic a little bit more relatable and focussed.

Okay, I've said a lot already... 😁 Over the December holidays, I'll probably be reviewing the materials I have used in 2018, and will be refreshing the content, ready for 2019!

To my dearest students, and everyone else who's taking the A levels: Hang in there, you got this! 😊  (And don't skip your meals!)

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